A Case Study In Australian Strength

Photograph: Dr Alan Finkel, Chief Scientist for Australia ( R ); Ms. Lynette Wood, Australian Ambassador to Germany (Centre ) and Manuel Fernandes, Tritium Sales Manager Europe (L) at Hannover Messe Fair, Hannover, Germany
Brisbane, Australia 28 April 2017: Dr Alan Finkel, Chief Scientist for Australia, addressing the ‘Australia Now’ Innovation Forum 2017 in Berlin this week, as the head of the Australian Innovation Delegation to Europe, highlighted the work of Brisbane-based company Tritium and called it ‘a case study in Australian strengths’.
In Germany to address the Forum and also visit Hannover Messe Fair, Dr Finkel’s speech raised the issue of Rising to the Energy Imperative. In referring to Tritium, the technology company that is a leading international specialist in developing infrastructure solutions for the electronic vehicle (EV) market, he said:
“Challenge them to do things they haven’t done before. Take their technology through proofof-concept, in collaboration with established firms. Support them through the Valley of Death with public seed funding, and government support for market-scale demonstration projects.
“Then watch them sell their technology across the world: with a gold-standard product for the global market; and a business model proven to work.”
Tritium, which only launched its award-winning 50kW DC fast charger, the Veefil- RT in 2013, already has units installed in 20 countries on major charging networks and fastcharging highways. It is the only Australian company to design and manufacture EV charging stations which are recognised internationally as being the most echnologically advanced in their class.